Highlights and Features of the Rocking B Ranch
Environmental and Natural Features
Bahia, Native Bermuda, Coastal Bermuda, Bluestem, Wild Rye, Kleingrass, Winter Grass, Mesquite grass, Bermuda hay field and approximately 75 acres of Tifton 85. Perimeter fenced and cross fenced.
Trees: Pecan(extensive), there are over 250 native pecans trees. A recently reclaimed Pecan was over 21ft in circumference and many are 200+ years old. Post Oak, Bur Oak, Live Oak, Blackjack Oak, Mesquite, Hackberry, Willow, Texas Persimmon, Elm, Anacua (Latin for Anaqua), Cypress, Cottonwood, Hickory, Mulberry, Red Buckeye, Wild Plum and Etc. Also producing Chili Pequin bushes and other wild berry bushes.
Irrigation: The Ranch has a permit for 230 Acre Feet of Water with TCEQ stipulations
Minerals: Owner will convey ½ minerals owned with executive rights
Rocks: For you rock hounds, this place is rock and fossil hunting heaven.
Wildlife: Deer, Turkey, Hogs and many various other wild animals and birds
Fishing: The San Marcos River and Stocked Tank
Recreation: Canoeing, Fishing, Swimming, Camping, Hunting, Kayaking, Hiking, Rock Hunting, Bird Watching, Etc.
Elevation: 300 feet up to 460 Feet above Sea Level (see topo map)
Water Features
San Marcos River – Approximately 2.4 miles river front. Property is deeded to middle of the river. Approximately 90% of the time the San Marcos is clear and running. In recorded history the San Marcos River has never gone dry. (As documented by Author of “San Marcos River/A River’s Story by Jim Kimmel”) The San Marcos Springs is the lowest point of elevation in the Edwards aquifer.
Creek: Smith Creek runs through the property and there are two major draws which support numerous tropical plants and beautiful fossils
Tank/Pond near to the house is about 1 acre stocked with Bass, Perch and Catfish
West side For Cattle and Wildlife
East Side for Cattle and Wildlife
Small pond near barn area.
Structures and Infrastucture
Out Buildings
40’X120’ Hay and Equipment Shed
30’X55’ two bay Shop with Office, and Storage
1 Cabin above the River
Main House
Approximately 2,900 sq. ft., 3 Bedroom, 3-1/2 baths, 2 story with Master bedroom, Walk in closet, bath, safe room/storm room, living, kitchen, ½ bath, family room, laundry, on main floor. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms on second floor. There is a 900 sqft detached 2 car garage and a detached well house as well as a large patio area for relaxing and entertaining.
Gated entrance with approximately 1+ acre fenced around the house, with numerous beautiful post oak and elm trees.
Pens & Pastures
Cattle pens with extensive galvanized (inside and outside), working pens, a chute, bull panel pipe holding pens.
All pastures have water available (River, troughs and 4 ponds), good perimeter fencing plus cross fencing.
One well at house and one is located at the barn and working pen area. Water is piped to four separate pastures.